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The Cour des comptes is a member of the European Organisation of Regional External Public Finance Audit Institutions (Eurorai). It’s a cooperation project among public sector audit institutions in Europe which provides an exchange of experiences and enables to make progress in the common field of regional and local public sector financial control in order to guarantee a better use of public finances.

This organisation was created on 1st October 1992 during its constitutive assembly held in Manchester (UK).

Eurorai's goals are:

1. To foster and promote cooperation among audit bodies in the various sectors in which they carry out their activities.

2. To promote exchanges of knowledge and experience in public finance auditing.

3. To keep its members informed about the legislation, organization and operation of the various public sector audit bodies.

4. To promote studies relating to the audit of public finance.

5. To foster exchange programmes and training courses for the officials of the institutions which are members of Eurorai.

6. To establish a proper definition of the terminology used in each country in order to facilitate the harmonization of public finance auditing methods.

The website of Eurorai